Monday, October 11, 2010

Agel OM3 long

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Aveti nevoie de o alternativa? Doriti sa schimbati ceva in viata voastra? Va simtiti ca intr-o cursa in care alergati singuri catre nicaieri?

Avem un drum mai bun!

Decizia este a voastra......veniti, ascultati, intrebati.

Miercuri, 22 Septembrie ora 18,30 , va astept la ceainaria Rendez Vous din str. N. Tonitza nr.6 , Centrul Istoric!

Ce inseamna o ora  din timpul tau? Uneori ridicol de putin, alteori colosal de mult....

Nu-ti aduce anul , ce-ti aduce ceasul!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Va este chiar foarte bine?

Nu aveti nevoie de nimic?

daca da, felicitari!

Pentru ceilalti , am o invitatie pwentru miercuri 18 August , ora 18,30 la ceainaria Rendez Vous , Edgar Quinet 8-10 ( langa facultatea de Arhitectura). Intrarea libera!

O prezentare a unei oportunitati de business Agel.....o ora din timpul aduce ziua ce-ti aduce ceasul...

Cine are informatia, stapaneste situatia!

Va asteptam!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Leardership . A great Lesson by Jaimie Soriano

It’s no secret that if you want to build a big and productive network marketing business, you have to be a leader. In fact, it’s been said that the size of your team and the size of your income is in direct proportion to your leadership abilities. How do you become a leader? You have to grow. You have to continue to stretch. You have to continue to learn. You have to continue to apply what you learn. It’s a never-ending process of self improvement. One of the most important things you can do to ensure that you’re growing is associating and masterminding with like-minded, creative and positive people. This is one of the reasons why events and meetings are so important to your career. By surrounding yourself with people that are driven and goal-oriented, your stimulated to grow beyond what you’re capable of on your own. On the other hand, being around negative people will suck the life right out of you. You can have all your goals written down and say all the affirmations in the world, but if you’re immersed in a negative environment, you will not grow. What’s the key? You have to put yourself in an environment that will stimulate, and force, you to grow. Here are 4 traits of a growth environment: 1. Others Are Ahead Of You - By surrounding yourself with people that are ahead of you, it forces you to grow and compete. Always remember, if you are the best in your circle of peers, you’re not growing. 2. You Are Still Challenged - If you’re learning something new, chances are you’re growing. If you find yourself bored, that’s a sign you’re stagnant. 3. You Are Out Of Your Comfort Zone - It’s comfortable to stay where you are, but remember, if you stay where you are, you’ll continue to get what you’re currently getting. Nobody ever achieved something great in their comfort zone. One of my mentors told me early on, that winners embrace and accept uncomfortable-ness for a short time, so they can be comfortable for the rest of their lives. Don’t be afraid to get uncomfortable. 4. You’re Constantly Forward-Thinking - The only reason you should remember the past is so you don’t repeat the same mistakes. Other than that, you need to always stay focused on where you’re going and understand that your best days are ahead of you. As corny as it sounds, whatever you’re constantly thinking about will happen in your life. As Tony Robbins says, “Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy”. What are you spending your time thinking about? If you’re not in a growth-oriented environment, I want to encourage you to get in one immediately. By staying in an environment that stimulates growth, both for you and your team members, you’ll be able to position yourself to leading a team of leaders. And, that’s how you grow a successful network marketing business.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Detoxify with GRN , the newest Agel product

Agel® GRN is a phytonutrient rich product that is designed to cleanse, detoxify the body and support the digestive system with many key benefits. Here are just a few: restore regular elimination and assist digestion increase energy, naturally, without stimulants

reduce appetite, improve metabolism, assist weight loss efforts

support a healthy cardiovascular system

support immune function support mental acuity detoxify the body from toxic metals and chemicals help slow aging of the skin and dulling of the hair cleanse the colon support friendly bacteria With all these benefits GRN is a powerful product and can be used a few different ways. The most common usage is in daily maintenance mode. If taken daily GRN can help

support your healthy digestive system and assist in the systematic cleansing of the body.In cleanse mode an individual would want to ingest 2-4 packets daily depending on their size and desired effect. These should be taken at regular intervals throughout the day to maximize the benefit. GRN should be taken prior to or with a meal to realize the full potential of this product.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Agel Products FAQ's

Agel Products FAQ's                                                                                                      What Agel Products are available? "There are currently seven Agel Products available: Agel EXO™ is a delicious blend of 17 different exotic fruits, each of which has a high Anti-Oxidant content. Each of these fruits have long been associated with health and longevity. You won't find a blend of fruits as beneficial and far reaching as this. These are fruits from all over the world and each of them are respected for their health giving and medicinal properties. Most all of the fruits used are not just the juice, but the whole fruit. This provides you with maximum nutrition as well as lowers the glycemic index. These exotic fruits include: Acai, Acerola, Aloe Vera, Bilberry, Blueberry, Cranberry, Dark Grape, Noni, Pomegranate, Rooibos, and Wolfberry and more. Agel FIT ™ is a unique approach to weight loss and appetite suppression. This product works from a couple of different angles. When taken before meals, Agel FIT can cause a mild sensation of fullness, helping you to eat smaller portions. In addition to this, Agel FIT can prevent your body from storing the carbohydrates that your body doesn't use, as well as increasing your ability to "burn" what you may have already stored. Agel OHM ™ is a wonderful tasting blend of energy creating herbs, Taurine, D-Ribose, and B Vitamins. All of these have been combined together to create a product that provides energy and mental alertness. Agel MIN™ is highly absorbable vitamin and mineral supplement. With Agel MIN, unlike tablets and even some capsules, there is no issue with digesting a supplement in the form of a highly compressed pellet. This product is a tasty way to ensure that your body can use the nutrients you intake. Agel UMI™ contains the amazing Fucoidan compound found in brown seaweed. Fuciodan has some powerful antioxidants and also can help your body get rid of harmful, non-native cells.. Agel PRO ™ is a delicious tasting blend of protein along with a complementary amount of fats and carbohydrates that provides balanced nutrition for working out and building muscles. Agel FLX™ is a powerful blend of 4 highly effective nutrients Chondroitin, Glucosamine, MSM (MethylSulfonylMethane), and Celadrin® that target joint mobility and flexibility." For more information Please visit the

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Do you earn enough?

Do you earn enough?


Are you living paycheck to paycheck only to find there's not much money left at the end of every month?


Are you saving for retirement on a consistent basis?


What kind of nest egg are you looking for in 10 or 20 years?


Got enough free time?


Even those that are making a good living often are trading long hours and long commutes to make it happen.


Do you find yourself wanting more free time for yourself and for your family?


You can have both!


Wouldn't it be great to have plenty of money and enough free time to enjoy it?


One of the best ways to achieve this is through a solid residual income built on a life-changing product that people will order again and again.



Financial freedom through one-of-a-kind gel nutrition


We are a group of like-minded home-business entrepreneurs who have teamed up to create a truly unstoppable income producing machine.


First, we chose a product that is both totally unique in the marketplace and life-changing in its results. No other product stood out like Agel's product line.


But the products can only be as good as the company behind them. This is where we were really impressed as the leaders of Agel have true vision and have already taken us into over 40 countries.


Next, the timing had to be perfect; we were looking for a company that is on the verge of a worldwide explosion. Once again, Agel met our criteria.


Once satisfied with our due diligence of the company and products, our next most important concern is our compensation.


With Agel's revolutionary and incredibly lucrative compensation plan, we knew we had found our home.



The 3 groups of people


1 — people with no financial security

Most people today fall into this category.

They are working harder and harder for less real money.

Subject to corporate layoffs, downsizing, corporate accounting scandals.

Record year after record year of personal bankruptcies.

Highest consumer debt & lowest personal savings in history — living in credit card prison.

Government cannot realistically provide for their retirement.

2 — people winning the rat race, but living like rats

High incomes, but still trading time for money.

High stress, cut-throat careers.

Paying someone else to raise their children.

Takes its toll on marriage and relationships.

Totally out of balance — sacrificing their family and personal time.

3 — people living their dream lifestyle

They have great incomes.

They also have the time to enjoy it.

Total lifestyle freedom!

Can you see the opportunity, if there was a business that offered people lifestyle, residual income, and freedom from the Rat Race?



Escape the rat race with an agel business


A business for life!

Start part-time with whatever you’re doing now.

Flexible — just incorporate it into your existing lifestyle.

Tax benefits — save hundreds to thousands every month.

Travel opportunities.

Minimal cost to get started.

Unlimited income potential.

Earn money while you sleep (build business in over 40 countries and 24 time zones).

Residual income — leveraged income that keeps paying you long term.

Agel Formula for Success: Create a few simple actions that can be duplicated by a large group of people over a consistent period of time.



Major innovation in nutrition


Hooked on fast food?


More than ever, people are eating at fast food places because of today's rushed society. The nutrional value in most of these meals is weak at best and could actually be harmful. People need a simple way to get quality nutrition delivered into their bodies.


What drives the nutrition industry?

90% of what we eat is "fake food".

We are overfed, but malnourished. Remember size of cookies, soft drinks and portions when you grew up. Look now at triple whoppers, Big Gulp, cookies the size of Frisbees.

Apple pie is not like eating apples, carrot cake is not like eating carrots.

Tobacco companies systematically buying the addictive fake food companies.

People know they need nutritional supplementation, but they don’t do it.

Confusing choices, bad taste and smell, can’t choke down pills, etc.

Bottom line, today’s fast-paced lifestyles demand a more convenient way to get nutritional supplements.

Breakthrough products


Agel has developed a completely unique nutritional delivery system. It's a gel! Conveniently packaged in single-serving gel packs. This great tasting gel comes in a variety of "flavors" of nutrition.


What makes Agel different?

First major innovation in nutrition in over 15 years.

Meets the needs of today’s fast-paced lifestyles.

Solves the problems of millions of consumers who can’t take pills.

New delivery mechanism for nutrition.

A category creator — fortunes will be made!


Amazing scientific breakthrough — suspension gel technology


What is suspension gel technology?


Agel took ingredients that were already proven safe and effective and put them in a new delivery mechanism, a suspension gel. Instead of pills, powders, and liquids, Agel put these important nutrients in convenient gel packets that can be taken anytime and anywhere. You don’t need a beverage to choke down your pills. You won’t need a refrigerator, blender, or any other kitchen appliance in order to get your nutrition. No lugging around heavy, breakable bottles or jugs of juice. Just convenient, single-dosed gel packets that are ready to be consumed.


Now anyone can enjoy the health benefits of nutritional supplements. Just imagine the market out there for Agel products!


The product line in great tasting gel packs

MIN. The "Vitamineral" Power Pack! Gives you the nutrients that fake foods can’t.

EXO. Anti-oxidant with 17 exotic fruits and plant extracts to fight free radicals. You and everyone you know needs one every day for the rest of your life.

UMI. Contains Fucoidan from brown seaweed, nature’s miracle food! Feed your immune system. Helps to prevent and eliminate harmful cells in your body.

FIT. Appetite Suppressant to help you eat less and move more. It’s no secret, there is an obesity epidemic around the world. Contains Super Citramax - a safe and proven way to lose weight!

OHM. Mental Focus & Physical Energy! Packed with vitamin B vitamins and coenzymes to help you turn carbohydrates into immediate energy. Also provides energy plus adrenal support with Panax Ginseng. No unhealthy heart racing like caffeine or ephedrine.

FLX. Provides joint and soft tissue support, along with improved flexibility.

PRO. For extra protein! Its 20 grams of protein help build muscle and maintain overall body conditioning, all from an inexpensive and easily carried package.

HRT. For your heart! A well-functioning heart is essential for good health, and the unique blend of nutrients in HRT can help you achieve the best heart possible.

Agel — where nutrition meets convenience

Works for today’s diet — today’s busy lifestyle.

Whole new product category and a convenient delivery mechanism (like breath strips, luggage with wheels); this is where fortunes are created.

First mover in the market will own it. Do you want your share?


How the business is done


Personal model — Personal Pack


Earn a few hundred or few thousand dollars a month.


How this model is done:

Using the products yourself for the health benefits.

Sharing the products with friends & family.

Retailing the products.

Business model — Executive Business


Earn from a few thousand a month, to complete financial freedom.


Employ Agel and our proven system to create leverage and escape trading hours for dollars. This model is for people who want to create true wealth.


How this business model is done:

Use the products yourself so that you can get the health benefits.

Introduce others who are looking to improve their heath and/or finances — some will become customers, some retailers, and many will become new business executives.

Take advantage of the training and support provided by our experienced team.

Utilize our powerful ATeamCentral Turnkey Marketing System.

Build a huge consumer base of both customers and business partners who are all loyal consumers.

Create leverage and build toward complete financial independence!

What are your goals?


As you can see, there are really two different starting options with Agel.


The Personal Pack is designed for those who primarily want to enjoy the health benefits of Agel and earn a little extra income on the side.


The Executive Business Model is for people who want more out of life. Not only do they want to take advantage of the amazing health benefits, but they want to leverage the incredible opportunity to create a dream lifestyle.


Are you the type of person who is looking for complete financial freedom? Do you want to get out of debt once and for all? Do you want the big house, big yacht or fancy sports car? Then the Executive Business Model is your ticket.



How you make money


See the Agel Compensation Plan


Immediate income


Agel's compensation structure is one of the most incredible aspects of the entire business.


It's important for people to earn money quickly and Agel has addressed that issue with great Retail Profits and Fast Start Commissions. Additionally, the Executive Bonus allows you to earn even more quick money.


Unique compensation


Agel is a true innovator with its unique pay plan.


The Leveraged Matching Bonus is an industry first and will not only revolutionize compensation, but has the potential to create the biggest checks ever recorded in the industry.


This plan is both fair and very generous. Agel wants you to succeed!


Long-term income


The Team Volume Commissions and Leveraged Matching Bonuses are for long-term residual income. This is where the big checks are earned and we expect many record-breaking checks based on these two bonuses alone.



Incredible team support & leadership


Get the support you need to succeed


Probably nothing is more important to your success than getting the proper support. This is a huge factor in how fast you start, the time it takes you to get trained, and how quickly you can begin to earn serious money.


When you choose to start your Agel business, you are joining a powerful infrastructure designed to guide and support you. This support starts at the top with the corporate management team. Agel has one of the most experienced management teams ever put together, anchored by Founder & CEO Glen Jensen and Co-Founder Craig Bradley. Together they have developed a high quality product line, created a fair and generous pay plan, and built an infrastructure that is capable of handling massive, record-breaking international growth.


Join a winning team


Besides the Agel corporate team, you will also have business partners with a vested interest in your success. Joining the right team is paramount to your success. When you join our team you will have access to some of the greatest leaders in our industry. Included is industry legend Eric Worre who has been a multimillion dollar producer in the field, founded and sold his own companies, and served as a consultant to the industry. Randy Gage, network marketing’s top trainer and Agel’s top earner, is also a part of this powerful team.


A roadmap to success


You will have access to the same proven system that others are using to create 6 & 7 figure incomes from home. Within our system, you will have access to high quality tools & events that are designed to assist you each step along the way.


These tools include:

Agel Phenomenon (DVD).

Choosing Success Mag-Pack with Audio CD.

Training events & other big events locally, nationally, and internationally.

Team training and support site, and more.

Start building your future


People from all walks of life have started an Agel business part-time and within a short period of time, replaced their full-time income. This is a business that can earn you a nice monthly income, or even complete financial freedom. You need to decide if you want to change your financial future. If so, then we welcome you to our team!   

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ce trebuie ca sa ai success in Network Marketing

Ce trebuie ca sa ai success in Network Marketing


Network Marketing este perfect pentru oricine. Oricum, oricine nu este perfect pentru Network Marketing...

Eu cred ca Network Marketing este o profesie extraordinara si ca intr-adevar este ultimul bastion ramas in sistemul liber al intreprinderilor, unde cineva fara educatie, fara stramosi celebri sau fara o investitie masiva poate sa devina bogat.

Beneficiile sunt fantastice: potential de castig nelimitat, scutiri de taxe, oportunitati de calatorii si sansa de a-i ajuta pe ceilalti in timp ce tu iti construiesti propriul success. Dar totusi nu este pentru oricine.




Pentru ca iti trebuie un anumit tip de personalitate sa fii de success. Asa ca, desi as sfatui pe oricine doreste un stil de viata mai bun sa considere Network Marketing ca o optiune a carierei – inainte sa te implicit in asa ceva fa-ti o evaluare onesta.

Majoritatea oamenilor echivaleaza securitatea cu o slujba de la 9 la 17. Ei vad cursa sobolanului ca un rau necesar in viata.

Network marketerii nu sufera de asemenea deziluzii. Ei vad o slujba ca pe o capcana insidioasa – una care iti da un venit suficient incat sa-ti fie frica sa renunti – si totusi nu suficient cat sa obtii vreo libertate financiara.

Ei se uita la oamenii care se catara in sus pe drumul lor in structura corporatiei cu mirarea detasata a unui copil de 10 ani, privind o activitate intr-o ferma de furnici. Ei stiu ca avem nevoie de furnici in aceasta lume, dar cu siguranta nu vor sa fie una.

Multi oameni depun eforturi sa pastreze aparenta ca au o slujba buna, chiar daca este un ape care ei o detesta deoarece asta este ceea ce societatea asteapta de la ei. Ei cauta o slujba “reala” cu un anume status si titlu, si adesea se vor multumi cu asta pentru tot restul vietii lor, pentru ca nu stiu altceva mai bun. Profesionistii in Network Marketing viseaza la o cariera cu un potential nelimitat, dezvoltare personala si crestere si atunci lucreaza pana cand visul le devine realitate. Noi ne uitam la cursa sobolanului sin e intrebam de ce oamenii si-au lasat demnitatea umana pentru a urmari un salar constant.


Sa nu faci o greseala: daca ai nevoie de cineva care sa te verifice dupa umar, nu poti sa te motivezi singur sau doresti siguranta unui cec de vineri atunci Network Marketing nu e pentru tine.


Vei avea nevoie de o gandire antreprenoriala daca te astepti sa rezisti in acest business. Nu toata lumea o are. Imagineaza-ti ca nu primesti un cec in fiecare vineri. Nu exista garantii. Doar un cec cu un bonus mare, care depinde direct de ceea ce produci.

Daca asta te sperie atunci esti mai potrivit pentru un job intr-o corporatie. Dar daca idea de a determina exact cat de mult poti sa castigi te entuziasmeaza, atunci esti un candidat grozav pentru aceasta afacere.

Ca si regula personalitatile puternice se descurca cel mai bine. Trebuie sa fii auto-motivat, capabil sa lucrezi fara supervizare si bun la recautare. In timp ce trebuie sa fii o personalitate puternica trebuie sa fii si destept. Uite de ce …

Network Marketing este o afacere a duplicarii. O mare parte a afacerii este abilitatea sa urmezi modelele de success, strategiile si sistemele dezvoltate de companie si linia ta de sponsorizare. Inseamna mai putina glorie personala dar mai multa securitate personala deoarece afacerea ta nu este atat de dependenta de tine.

Networkerii destepti adopta sistemele si procedurile care au demonstrat ca functioneaza cu success de la linia lor de sponsorizare. Aceasta, in ultima instanta iti da o securitate mai buna deoarece mai tarziu poti sa te retragi din afacere fara sa ai o scadere in venituri.

Daca esti nesigur si ai nevoie ca ego-ul tau sa fie masat in mod constant atunci aceasta afacere va fi chiar dificila pentru tine. Vei construe totul in jurul tau ceea ce inseamna ca nu vei dezvolta un venit pasiv si vei deveni un polizor.

Ca orice antreprenor trebuie sa fii increzator in fata presiunii de grup si a provocarilor. Ceea ce facem noi este diferit. Multi oameni se simt amenintati de lucruri pe care nu le inteleg. Asta va face ca unii dintre oamenii pe care ii cunosti sa devina suspiciosi, altii vor fi sceptici si altii vor fi gelosi.


Cand ii anunti cu mandrie ca te-ai alaturat unei companii de network marketing in cautarea unui stil de viata mai bun san u fii surprins ca unii din acei oameni te vor asalta cu toate motivele de ce nu ar trebui…de ce ei nu ar face… de ce tu nu ai putea sa ai success intr-o asemenea companie.


Atunci aceste suflete “bineintentionate” iti vor darui una dupa alta povesti horror despre oameni care au incercat in Network Marketing si au esuat, au cumparat un garaj plin de produse in visul unei imbogatiri instantanee sau au contractat un caz aproape fatal de urticarie de la utilizarea unor produse de ingrijirea pielii.

Multi oameni nu isi doresc sa fie bogati. Au fost crescuti cu “lipsa” constiintei. In subconstient ei cred ca nu merita bogatii, ei cred gresit ca este ceva spiritual sa fii sarac sau au descoperit ca sa devii bogat implica un grad de munca.

Este mai mult ca probabil ca aceste tipuri de oameni te inconjoara si nimic nu este mai amenintator pentru acesti oameni decat sa se gandeasca cineva pe care il cunosc are success. Ei vor face tot ce le sta in putinta sa te descurajeze si in unele cazuri chiar te vor sabota. Daca vrei sa reusesti in aceasta afacere trebuie sa crezi puternic in ea sis a nu ai nevoie de confirmarea celorlalti. Cariera mea a luat o crestere dramatica atunci cand am invatat o lectie pretioasa…

Am incetat sa iau vreun sfat financiar de la oamenii faliti !

Cand am inceput aceasta afacere am fost falit si ma zbateam. Din nefericire majoritatea oamenilor pe care ii steam erau si ei faliti si se zbateau. Toti au incercat sa ma convinga sa ies din afacere spunandu-mi ca nu va functiona.

Am inceput sa realizez ca acesti oameni nu stiau nimic despre succesul in afaceri. Chiar daca erau bine intentionati, ei incercau sa dea sfaturi intr-un domeniu despre care nu stiau nimic.

Cand ai nevoie de un sfat trebuie sa te adresezi persoanelor care au avut deja success in aceasta afacere. Cand intelegi si actionezi astfel iti cresti dramatic sansele de success.

O alta cerinta obligatorie pentru un success pe termen lung este sa iti conduci afacerea cu integritate. Desi sunt cateva exemple de oameni care au creat venituri seriaose in dolari instantaneu umpland garajul cuiva de filtre de apa ( sau prajituri dietetice, sau sticle de suc ), aceste venituri nu dureaza. Este doar o chestiune de timp pana ce acesti oameni raman fara prospecti pe care sa-i incarce si trebuie sa gaseasca un nou program sa munceasca unde trebuie sa inceapa procesul de la capat. Pe termen lung aceste practici iti vor distruge in cele din urma afacerea.

In aceasta afacere, cand sponsorizezi pe cineva, tu esti in esenta partenerul lui sau ei si un mentor pe viata. Chiar si dupa ce ii inveti practicile si ei devin executivi la nivel inalt, intotdeauna ei se vor uita spre tine ca spre un compass pentru fibra morala, responsabilitate si cultura organizatiei. Mai mult ca in afacerea traditionala, Network Marketing se invarte in jurul increderii dintre sponsor si distribuitorii lui sau ei.


Acesta este activul cel mai puternic pe care il ai. Milioane de oameni sunt hraniti cu relatii disfunctionale, barfe, politica de birou si lipsa responsabilitatii in lumea corporativa. Onestitatea, responsabilitatea si simtul comunitatii din Network Marketing ii vor atrage mai mult decat banii, masinile si calatoriile.

Daca iti vei minti vreodata distribuitorul – chiar daca tu crezi ca e spre binele lui – vei distruge legatura care este fundatia afacerii. Vei elimina sic el mai puternic stimulant care atrage oamenii in aceasta afacere. Distribuitorii care au creeat succes de durata au invatat cuvantul lor trebuie sa fie legatura si integritatea este sacra.


O alta conditie prealabila importanta pentru succesul in Network Marketing sunt abilitatile bune de predare. Iata de ce…

Aproximativ 10 procente din populatie sunt tipurile de vanzatori. Lor le place sa vanda, sunt buni la asta sin u se tem de raspingeri. Aproximativ 90 procente din populatie catalogheaza vanzarile pe lista lor de lucruri de facut chiar acolo cu saritul intr-o groapa cu serpi cu clopotei. Gandul de respingere ii trimite alergand catre acoperirea zonei lor de comfort. Daca faci telefoane reci, bati la usi si abordezi straini la colturile strazii ca si strategie de recrutare – vei speria 90 procente din prospectii tai instantaneu.

Pentru ca ei nu se vad pe ei facand acele lucruri…

De fapt, numai o persoana dintr-o mie va avea success cu aceste tipuri de abordare. Mai rau, pentru ca aceste tehnici sunt greu de duplicat, oamenii vor trebui sa sponsorizeze numere masive de noi distribuitori lunar doar ca sa-si mentina venitul stabil. Tot bla bla ce vor sa exemplifice nu va schimba asta. Ei nu au securitatea venitului rezidual si vor trebui sa alerge si sa reconstruiasca liniile la fiecare cateva luni.


Prin contrast, networkerii de succes se concentreaza doar pe actiunile simple, duplicabile, pe care le pot preda tuturor. Prioritatea lor numarul unu este sa se asigure ca toata organizatia lor stie tot ce fac ei. Oamenii pe care ei ii aduc in afacere pot repeta actiunile lor prin copiere, astfel ca organizatia creste repede. Formula pentru creeare de bogatie in afacerea noastra este:


Condu un grup mare de oameni sa faca in mod constant cateva actiuni simple pentru o perioada de timp constanta.


Vei descoperi ca profesorii, antrenorii, trainerii profesionisti si profesorii de yoga exceleaza in mod natural in Network Marketing. Deci daca ai abilitati de predare bune ai sanse foarte mari sa ai success in Network Marketing.

Urmatorul lucru pe care trebuie sa-l faci ca sa ai succes este sa te angajezi unui orar de dezvoltare personala zilnica. De obicei dimineata devreme este cel mai bun moment pentru aceasta activitate. Copiii dorm, exista putine distrageri si te poti concentra asupra ta. Plus ca te vei pune intr-o stare de spirit grozava inainte sa iesi din casa, care iti va permite sa atragi numai oameni de calibru inalt. Este important sa aloci aceasta perioada in fiecare zi pentru o reflectare in liniste si dezvoltare personala. Ai nevoie de o librarie didactica de carti, video-uri si cd-uri ca sa ramai motivat impotriva programarii negative, sa inveti tehnici noi si sa iti mentii concentrarea.

Initial, am crezut ca succesul va veni prin schimbarea celorlalti. Am invatat curand ca succesul adevarat vine prin propria schimbare. Actiunile pe care le faci, exemplele pe care le urmezi, creeaza un efect multiplicator care impacteaza totul in jurul tau intr-un mod pozitiv. Cred ca reteaua ta va creste pe cat de repede cresti tu. Cand tu cresti in fiecare zi asa va face si afacerea ta. Asa cum poti sa vezi, afacerea in Network Marketing este chiar diferita de cea din lumea corporative. E nevoie de un anumit zel antreprenorial si o gandire automotivata. Trebuie sa ai un respect de sine crescut si sa-ti conduci afacerea cu integritate absoluta. In final trebuie sa stii sa renunti la ego-ul tau cand e necesar sis a folosesti sistemele care au fost dezvoltate de linia de sponsori de deasupra ta.

Daca paragraful precedent te descrie pe tine…sau cum iti doresti sa fii…atunci esti un candidat grozav pentru afacere. Ai ceea ce e nevoie sa fii de succes in aceasta afacere.

Prelucrare dupa Randy Gage